
Merchant Account Status Updates


  • Description: Sent when a merchant account status changes.


  • createdAt: Unix timestamp indicating when the event was created.
  • type: Always 'MERCHANT' for this webhook.
  • status: Merchant account status, can be one of:
    • ACTIVE
    • CLOSED
  • merchantAccountId: Unique ID for the merchant account.
  • organizationId: The ID of the organization to which the merchant account belongs.
  • merchantReferenceId: Merchant reference ID that matches the account in your system.
  • balanceAccountId: The ID for the balance account from Adyen associated with this merchant account.
  • accountHolderId: The ID for the account holder from Adyen associated with this merchant account.
  • stores: List of associated stores
    • storeId: Adyen's store id
    • storeReferenceId: Store reference id, used when initiating platform payments with Adyen's API.
    • balanceAccountId: The ID for the balance account from Adyen associated with the store.
    • splitConfigurationId: The ID of the split configuration from Adyen associated with the store.
    • status: Store status (ACTIVE, INACTIVE, CLOSED)


  "createdAt": 1697339819,
  "merchantAccountId": "UBWCE2Bfi5xb",
  "organizationId": "bf368afb-ed57-4345-a04a-7c7213431a99",
  "merchantReferenceId": "a5ac988f-857d-43b6-a9ee-e98c7568299f",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "type": "MERCHANT",
  "balanceAccountId": "BA32272223222K5JDZCH7DLSZ",
  "accountHolderId": "AH3227C223222K5JDZCBHCJL6",
  "stores": [
      "storeId": "ST3224Z22322425JDZCB69NWZ",
      "storeReferenceId": "yyy92999yyyy",
      "balanceAccountId": "BA32272223222K5JDZCH7DLSZ",
      "splitConfigurationId": "SCNF4224Q223223W5K9BKK88X557JG",
      "status": "ACTIVE"    
  "storeId": "ST3224Z22322425JDZCB69NWZ", // deprecated
  "storeReferenceId": "yyy92999yyyy", // deprecated
  "splitConfigurationId": "SCNF4224Q223223W5K9BKK88X557JG" // deprecated
Integration Steps